Sabtu, 03 September 2011

I heart GOCCO

 "GOCCO", apa itu gocco? sejenis nama makanan dari azerbaijan kah? atau nama salah satu spesies kadal atau tokek dari India? mungkin para crafter sudah banyak yang tau atau mungkin ada juga yang belum tau tentang GOCCO ini.Gocco adalah alat print manual, yang unik banget. Belakangan ini Gocco sendiri sering di pakai oleh para crafters untuk membuat kreasi-kreasi kartu nama,ucapan ulang tahun, atau pun untuk membuat sablonan di media kaos atau tas.Di banding kita mencetak secara digital, atau menyablon menggunakan alat sablon pada umumnya, hasil print/ sablon GOCCO ini mempunyai karakteristik tersendiri, inilah yang menjadi alasan mengapa GOCCO sering di pakai oleh para crafters, karena  lebih berbau handmade.(snif snif); Tetapi sayang, GOCCO kini sudah berhenti di produksi, alasanya sang produsen  mengakui bahwa maraknya penggunaan digital printing membuat permintaan terhadap GOCCO menurun drastis.(sayang banget yah..). Tapi jangan khawatir, di  luar sana masih ada beberapa yang masih menjual Produk GOCCO ini, seperti di Ebay n  Etsy misalnya. Selain itu di bentuk pula perkumpulan pecinta GOCCO ini yang di beri nama "SAVE GOCCO". Okelah mungkin bgitu penjelasan singkat nya dari saya selaku ketua Karang Taruna (??) Kalo kurang lengkap penjelasannya, selanjutnya ada penjelasan tambahan mengenai GOCCO ini.

Gocco (プリントゴッコ, Purinto Gokko, "Print Gocco") is a self-contained compact color printing system invented in 1977 by Noboru Hayama. Gocco became immensely popular in Japan and it is estimated that one-third of Japanese households own a Print Gocco system.
Using flash bulbs similar to those found in old cameras, an original image is thermally imprinted on a master screen.
The name "print gocco" is derived from the Japanese word gokko (ごっこ), loosely translated as make-believe play. Riso Kagaku president Noboru Hayama explained, "We [as kids] learned rules and knowledge through make-believe play. The spirit of play is an important cultural asset. I thought that I wanted to leave "play" in the product's name."
In December 2005, Gocco’s parent company, Riso Kagaku Corporation, announced it would end production of the Gocco system due to low sales in Japan. An Internet campaign was started to find a new home for the product.
As of June 2007, Riso Kagaku Corporation had resumed production of several lines of Print Gocco units and they were available in Japan and through limited import retail stores in the United States.
On May 30, 2008, the Riso Kagaku Corporation announced that it will stop shipping Gocco printers in June 2008. They blamed the sharp decline in demand for their printers on the increase in use of home computers and printers. They will continue producing supplies for the printers until further notice. Information provided by the Japan Corporate News Network

Some early "Print Gocco Lamp" flash bulbs were sold with a sticker reading:
"PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Use only as directed. Wash hands after use."
The chemical referred to is not explicitly called out and no additional information is provided on the unit. However, Proposition 65 warnings usually denote the presence of lead in a product. More recent flash bulbs packets do not feature this warning.
                                                                                                                  ( sumber: wikipedia )


dan banyak lagi yang lainya.......


2 komentar:

rika daniel mengatakan...

Gocco keren!sayang ga agak susah nyarinya ya?

pepoloco mengatakan...

kata mbak nuning (mad crafter) di ebay ada yang jual, harganya 1- 2 juta an.
kalo sista punya jangna lupa sharing hasilnya yah...pnasaran..hihihi